Monday, June 17, 2013

Friday & Final Thoughts

Friday was an emotional day as we said goodbye to the children at both YMCA's and pastor Bell and his crew.  Our students quickly formed bonds this week with the children at the YMCA's as they read stories, played on the playground and made picture collages.

Groups 1 & 2 didn't slow down at all on Friday as they helped install rubber roofing on a soon-to-be barbecue restaurant.

After a tough morning of physical labor, they were rewarded with a cookout featuring pastor Bell's famous "Kirk Sauce".

After hearing about Kirk Sauce for the two years since our last visit to Chicago, I can attest that it lived up to the hype.

Groups 3 & 4 concluded their trip with an Immersion, in which they were given a CTA card, a map and $2 per person with which to eat for the night.  Along the way, they were given a series of tasks that were suggested they perform.  It was a positive experience that allowed them to see the stark realities of the homeless population in Chicago.

Meanwhile, Groups 1 & 2 worked at the Saint Thomas of Catebury soup kitchen where they got to interact individuals eating dinner there.

Saturday morning was our chance to say goodbye to our City Hosts who helped us navigate the city and challenged us to stretch our comfort zones. Moses, Emily, Joe and Kaelin did an outstanding job and greatly added to our experience in Chicago.

Overall, we had a great trip to Chicago.  God really worked on the hearts of some of our students. We all felt an overwhelming urge to continue our service after our return.

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